You Can Be An Energy Efficiency Expert

For years, we’ve relied on our friends at Fisher-Nickel, Inc., San Ramon, Calif., to tell us how to make foodservice operations more energy efficient. The effects of energy efficiency—better operation with lower operating costs, longer lasting equipment, more comfortable work environments and better customer experiences—are incontrovertible. But until now, unless you heard a member of Fishnick present a seminar or you had reason to engage with them at their facility at Pacific Gas & Electric, the powerful message about energy efficiency might not have come through. All that hopefully will change with Fishnick’s launch of an online learning program designed to certify foodservice professionals as Foodservice Energy Efficiency Experts (Fe3). The certification course comprises six education modules with a test at the end of each. The modules cover Energy & Water Fundamentals; Lighting; Refrigeration; Water Conservation; Cooking Equipment; and Commercial Kitchen Ventilation.

The team at Fishnick have planned this e-learning platform over the past three years. “We were discussing what online training for foodservice professionals would look like and from there—and with the Gas Technology Institute’s support [specifically Sean Brennan, eLearning Developer at GTI, parent of Fishnick]—we decided it was time to bring it to fruition,” says Janel Rupp, Fishnick’s Workforce, Education & Training Manager. “Richard [Young] has had a vision of making our training accessible to the entire foodservice community for as long as I can remember.”

Young, Fishnick’s Senior Engineer and Director of Education, and Rupp worked with Strahan Advertising for about 18 months to develop the Fe3 course. The way the content is presented makes it interesting and fun. I, along with my Managing Editor Allison Rezendes and Janice Cha, one of our Senior Contributing Editors, were among 40 industry professionals Fishnick invited to test the program pilot; we passed! The material is incredibly informative and challenging at just the right level to make you stop and really think. And the lessons learned are applicable and practical on an almost immediate basis.

I highly encourage you check out Fe3 at or e-mail Janel Rupp at to find out more.



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