Subscriber Service FAQs

Foodservice Equipment Reports is published bimonthly (6 times a year). It’s typically mailed the first week of the two-month cycle: e.g., the January/February issue mails the first week of January. The mailing list is compiled about a month before the magazine mails.

You can make many changes to your magazine subscription yourself. Just log on to your account and follow the prompts. Note that changes made to your subscription after the current issue’s cutoff date will take effect with the next issue.

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It’s easy to add subscriptions to any of FER’s newsletters from this newsletter sign-up page. It’s also easy to unsubscribe from any newsletter. Just follow the prompts. Learn more here.

Visit the Preference Center to manage the types of email communications you receive from us. For example, you may opt to receive email about your magazine subscription but unsubscribe from marketing emails from FER’s industry partners. Just click or unclick the appropriate boxes. You can also stop all email messages from FER. Learn more here.

FER’s digital edition may be easily read on your computer, tablet, or phone. Digital subscribers receive an email alert when the new issue is available. You can also access the digital edition through our website,

You can browse FER’s past issues by opening the current digital issue on and clicking on the menu icon to the left of the issue date. “Archive” is the third item in the list.

Screenshot fer faq

You may reach our Subscriber Service Center by email. Just send your concerns to You’ll receive a response within 3 working days.

Our Multiunit Foodservice Equipment Symposium (MUFES) takes place every year in late January. For the most up-to-date information, please visit

Please send your thoughts and comments to Allison Rezendes, chief content officer,

Please send all news and product releases to Allison Rezendes, chief content officer,, or Lauren Coughlin, managing editor, All submissions are subject to editorial approval, and items will run on a space available basis.

Please contact Randy Hano, president and publisher,, for information on advertising and marketing opportunities offered by FER.