The 43rd edition of HostMilano drew over 180,000 trade visitors to Rho, Italy, from Oct. 13-17, according to event organizers. That marked a more than 60% uptick from 2021 and fell 10% below 2019 visitor counts.
Members of the FER team were among this year’s attendees, and you can find our photo gallery here.
Here are a few more show stats:
• 2,100: The approximate number of exhibitors in 2023. In 2021, the biennial event saw 1,345 exhibitors and in 2019, there were 2,249 exhibitors.
• 166: The number of countries 2023 visitors hailed from—with 42% of attendees being internationally based.
• 700: The number of 2023 attendees who Host organizers classified as “highly profiled” hosted and spontaneous buyers.
• 26: The number of Smart Label – Host Innovation Award recipients, selected from a pool of 157 entries; find details here.
The 44th edition of HostMilano is set for Oct. 17-21, 2025.
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