Milwaukee Shifts To Letter Grades

It really is easy as ABC.

After a third of Milwaukee’s foodservice establishments received at least one “priority violation” in 2016, the city is adopting a letter-grading system for foodservice establishments. The new Sanitation Grading System will grade foodservice establishments on the existing Wisconsin Food Code. Scores below 60 will result in a “C” grade and could mean the temporary closure for a business if a health hazard exists. The first inspections using the new grading system will begin in January 2018. For the first year, businesses will be able to voluntarily post their grade placards but in 2019, it will be mandatory.



Meet the National Restaurant Association’s New Board Members

The new officers—including individuals from Areas USA, Lehigh Valley Restaurant Brands and Landmark Hospitality—will serve a one-year term.

Captain D’s Inks First European Expansion Deal

The deal will bring 20 units to the UK, with the first location opening in the London area in 2025.

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