New Podcast: Tech Training for Today and for a Career



In this episode, Choquette CKS Vice President Jennifer Linton talks about supporting techs, even during these strange times. She also offers advice on how techs can get the most out of mentoring. Next, Tammy Blon of American Kitchen Machinery and Repair recalls a story of an operator who tried to take shortcuts with a self-cleaning combi oven. Then techs from Clark Service Group, Joe Warren and Sons Co., and EMR share tips on maintaining a social distance in the field.


Want to be a part of the next podcast? Give us a call at (312) 788-7618? and leave a message with how you keep up your skills as a service technician?

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Service Calls is a podcast for foodservice equipment service technicians—the techs on the truck—brought to you by Heritage Parts in partnership with Foodservice Equipment Reports. Listen as you drive between service calls to hear timely need-to-know updates about foodservice equipment, practical tips to help jobs go smoothly, real-life tales from techs in the field and more. 


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