Publisher’s Note: Midyear Musings

The importance of digital (e.g., product videos) seems more pronounced than ever before, opines Publisher Randy Hano.

Randy Hano Headshot

Summertime is a good time to sit back and reflect on our market, the changes we have seen, the new technology being introduced and the outlook for the remainder of the year. After spending the last few months at shows and speaking with clients both in and outside of the U.S., what strikes me the most is the important role digital—especially video—is taking on.

Manufacturers are using video to explain their products in an entirely new way. Gone are the days of relying on static sell sheets to tell a story. Today, high-resolution footage of the product in action comes first. The FER Digital Solutions Group has been there to help create that footage and to share it with our audience the past four years. Each year, the importance of video seems to grow more pronounced. Check out a few of the most recent videos shot at the National Restaurant Association Show at

I also am happy to say that both in the U.S. and across the pond, the mood continues to be extremely positive. For many, 2024 has started off strong and it appears the year is likely to end that way as well. It follows a particularly strong 2023. Hopefully, your businesses are seeing the same success and it allows you to take a little time for yourself, enjoy family and friends, and get a much-deserved reset as we head into the second half of 2024!

Enjoy it. We will be looking at 2025 before we know it!


President & Publisher, FER Media
CEO, Specifi North America



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