Publisher’s Note: Planning Ahead

Gain profit-saving book smarts from this month’s issue.

Randy Hano Headshot

This September issue of FER comes jam-packed with smart ideas to help operators increase profits. Water filtration is always important not only from a quality and taste perspective but from a cost-savings perspective as well. Without it, certain equipment that relies on water will not run as well or last as long.  

Saving energy marks another way to boost your bottom line, as does adding a food truck to your mix of offerings. With the country bouncing back and consumers literally hungry for their next meal, restaurateurs are finally seeing the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel.

FER shows how to specify equipment, and boost profits.

If you enjoy this issue, you’re going to love our October/November double issue. Think of it as a “how to specify” just about every piece of equipment “takeover.”  We know so many of you rely on FER for impartial advice on all things equipment related. Nobody dedicates as much time, energy and space to how to specify equipment than FER does through its equipment comparisons. Now you will have one handy guide to refer back to all year long as you’re making important buying decisions.

September and October are a busy couple of months from a conference standpoint. My team and I will be out in full force and we hope to have the chance to say “Hello” in person. Enjoy this issue!


President & Publisher


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Montague Expands Sales Team

Ryan Dusheiko and Nick Dolan have new roles at the cooking equipment manufacturer.


Marra Forni Promotes 2 Leaders

Danielle Mason and Robert Bratton move up at the brick and deck oven manufacturer.

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