Alto-Shaam Hones Strategic Focus With Shifts To Sales Force

Equipment manufacturer Alto-Shaam has realigned its sales force and repositioned its regional sales managers as vice presidents, along with their culinary and inside sales support teams. Five new sector vice presidents will report to Jack Scott, senior v.p.-sales and marketing, who heads up the sales team:

  • Todd Griffith, v.p.-sales and marketing
  • Michael Aguirre, v.p.-sales and marketing
  • Steve Gill, v.p.-sales
  • William Groleau, v.p.-sales
  • Warren Casey, v.p.-sales

With these shifts, Alto-Shaam Pres./COO Steve Maahs said, “We move an important level of decision-making closer to our customer base, which improves our responsiveness to their needs.”

Alto-Shaam is headquartered in Menomonee Falls, Wis.


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