Cooper-Atkins Makes Organizational Shifts, Reassesses ISO Standard
Now celebrating its 125th anniversary, Cooper-Atkins Corp. has made some organizational changes in sales and marketing. Bill Eggers has been appointed to the newly created position of v.p.-marketing and key accounts. He will maintain relations with marketing groups and strengthen brand development and new product development. Jeff Yeager has been promoted to v.p.-sales East; he previously served as director-foodservice national accounts. Scott D’Aniello has been promoted to v.p.-industrial sales, taking a stronger role in new product development and corporate sales strategies.
The Middlefield, Conn., company also has announced its reassessment to ISO 9001:2008. Cooper-Atkins has been an ISO 9001 manufacturing facility since 1999. This reassessment certifies them to the current 2008 revision of the international quality-management system, which utilizes a customer-focused process approach for continual improvement in products, services and customer satisfaction.
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