Tim Hortons Customers Now Can Order Cold Drinks Using Their Own Cups

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Tim Hortons is encouraging customers to bring their own reusable cups to order hot and cold beverages. Courtesy of Demi DeHerrera on Unsplash.

For the first time, Tim Hortons customers can order cold brew, iced coffee, frozen lemonade and other cold beverages using their own reusable cups.

The program comes as part of the Ontario, Canada-based chain’s efforts to reduce the use of single-use cups and expands upon a program that began several years ago when Tim Hortons began allowing customers to use their own cups to order hot beverages. In 2019, the company says it reduced the usage of single-use cups by serving 15 million hot beverage orders in customers’ cups.

“Now by offering the option of getting cold beverages served in reusable cups, the potential to reduce the use of single-use cups is even greater. We know we can do better, and we know our guests will be excited to participate with us in reducing waste. We invite them to bring their reusable cups on their next Tims run,” says Paul Yang, senior director of innovation and sustainability for Tim Hortons, in a press release.

Guests using their cups will receive a 10-cent discount.

While the reusable hot beverage cup program began several years ago, it was put on hold during the pandemic to help protect the health and safety of team members and guests. However, the company announced today that the program will be reimplemented on April 6.

Select Tim Hortons restaurants also are in the process of reintroducing in-restaurant dishware for guests to be served with, including mugs, plates and cutlery. In 2019, the brand served nearly 52 million orders using reusable dishware.

In addition to encouraging customers to use their cups to order, the brand also is making strides to improve its own single-use cups. Earlier this year, Tim Hortons switched its lid color to improve the chances of it being recycled, and late last year, the company launched a test of a new, more sustainable hot beverage cup design.


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